
The Rotary Leadership Institute Taiwan Division Learner Orientation
透過具有品質的領導教育 以強化扶輪社
To Strengthen Rotary club through quality leadership education


Introduction to The Rotary Leadership Institute



The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a grassroots coalition of Rotary districts and regions implementing a leadership development program for potential leaders of Rotary clubs. The RLI was founded in District 7510 in central New Jersey USA in 1992 by then District Governor David Linett to help identify and prepare Rotarians with the potential for future club leadership with a quality educational experience. The RLI became multi-district in 1994 with the addition of three more New Jersey districts and in 1998 started to expand further within Zones 31 & 32 (northeastern and Middle Atlantic, USA and parts of Canada). The program came to the attention of Rotary International officers who encouraged the RLI to expand beyond the two zones. The program was mentioned in a speech to the International Assembly in 2001, was posted on the R.I. Website as a “Leadership Success Story” and was the subject of an article in the March 20, 2002 edition of the R.I. News Basket. The R.I. Board of Directors has adopted a resolution recommending that clubs and districts participate in the RLI or similar programs.

2001年九月,扶輪領導學院執行委員會,正式通過了一項擴充計劃,在扶輪世界中成立半自主性的分部。該執行委員會確認在31及32地域之外有必要分散管理,但同時也確認由國際扶輪領導學院組織有支持的必要,以確保該分部之成功。該分部之名稱業已出現在RLI網站上 www.rotaryleadershipinstitute.org
In September of 2001, the RLI Executive Committee adopted an expansion plan to form semi-autonomous Divisions around the Rotary world. The Executive Committee recognized the need for decentralized control outside of Zones 31 & 32, but also recognized that support from the international RLI organization would be critical to success of the Divisions. The names of Divisions already formed appear on the Website of the RLI at www.rotaryleadershipinstitute.org.

In September, 2003 the functions of the RLI and the Home Division (Zones 31-32) were separated and the umbrella organization of divisions is now called the International Rotary Leadership Institute or the Rotary Leadership Institute. Divisions are called by their division names. The governing body of the umbrella organization is the RLI Coordinating Council consisting of the Chairs of each Division, the International Chair, the International Executive Director, the Intl. Vice-Chair(s), the Intl. Regional Vice-Chairs and other RLI officers. The Coordinating Council meets annually at the R.I. Conventions and at such other times as may be called by the Chair or the Council. It may take action by email, telephone or mail. The Coordinating Council will adopt an annual budget, set Division dues and adopt standards and goals for the RLI.


國際扶輪前社長 (2014-15)

PRIP Gary Huang

扶輪領導學院 (RLI)是由基層的單一扶輪地區,或者多地區所聯合起來的一種訓練組織,專為扶輪社那些有潛能的領導人所實施的一種扶輪領導才能發展的計劃。
它是於 1992年那時擔任紐澤西中部的 7510地區總監,我的老友-大衛 ‧林內特 David Linett(前國際扶輪理事)所創的。該計劃是以優質的教育訓練來協助扶輪社社員,並讓他們準備成為扶輪社未來的領導人。
之後於 1994年,由於紐澤西的三個地區加入而成為多地區的計劃。並於 1998年,由於國際扶輪第 31及 32地帶的加入而使它愈形茁壯。接著該計劃由於受到國際扶輪職員之重視及鼓勵,而於 2001年的國際講習會中提及該計劃,同時在 2002年 3月 20日成為國際扶輪新聞網一篇主題文章。隨後,國際扶輪理事會正式通過一個推荐扶輪社及地區加入扶輪領導學院或類似計劃的決議。
以上種種可知,此一種扶輪領導才能發展計劃的重要性。因此,當我於 2007年 7月 14日由老友前國際扶輪理事大衛‧林內特處接獲此一訊息時,立即鼓勵邵偉靈前總監儘速著手進行扶輪領導學院台灣分部相關事宜。在其戮力努力與協調之下,於2007年11月2日以短短三個半月的時間,不但成立扶輪領導學院台灣分部籌備委員會,並取得台灣七個地區總監成立扶輪領導學院台灣分部之同意及完成其所有成立的手續。至此,台灣扶輪運動進入另一個扶輪新紀元-“扶輪優質教育訓練的時代 ”。
最後謹此與各位以阿伯特‧史懷哲: “播種者並不一定會看到收成 ” 的心情來為此一 “需時間來生長 ”之扶輪領導才能發展的計劃,來彼此共勉之。

PDG Dens


PDG Stan


PDG Kambo


